Welcome on the DDIM-Website of Dr. Frank Edelkraut

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Frank Edelkraut

Shape the Future: Leadership Excellence and Agile Human Resource Management

from 01.04.2024
Interim Manager since: 07/2001
Update: 30.10.2023

Contact data

Pralleweg 1
D-22359 Hamburg
Telefon Mobile

Social networks

Short profile

Dr. Frank Edelkraut is Managing Director of Mentus GmbH and works as an interim manager in HR leadership functions. He is an expert for project and transformation management as well as agile organisation and agile human resource management. He publishes regularly and has been involved for many mentor for students and founders for many years. More about him: https://www.linkedin.com/in/frankedelkraut/
Experience overview
HR-side design and support of reorganisations. The focus is on agile work organisation and modern personnel and management development.
  • Change Management
  • Coaching / Personnel Development
  • Project Management
  • Process Optimization
  • Post Merger Integration
Konzeption und Umsetzung von Veränderungsprozessen, insbesondere Reorganisationen und Agilem Management. 
Expertise in modernen Lern- und Qualifizierungsmethoden als Beschleuniger von Veränderungsprozessen
Führungskräfteentwicklung und operative Beratung des Managements
  • Human Resources
  • Organization
  • Information Technology
Role in the company
  • 2nd Level / Division Management / Department Management
  • Program Manager
  • Consultant, Advisor
  • Projekt Manager (Leitung)
  • Staff function / Expert / Specialist
Industry experience
  • Chemistry
  • Electrical Engineering / Electronics
  • Gesundheitswesen
  • Internet and Information Technology
  • Food Industry
Type of company
  • Owner-managed / Family Business
  • Medium-sized Enterprise
  • Corporation / Group
  • Start-up
Regions (Regions where you have proven experience)
  • Europe (EU)
  • Germany
  • Netherlands
  • Switzerland
  • German (Muttersprache oder Zweisprachig)
  • English (Fließend)
Special skills
  • Strukturiertes Denken und Handeln
  • Konsequente Umsetzung
  • Der Blick fürs Wesentliche

Documents and files

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