Welcome on the DDIM-Website of Dr. Wolfgang Krause

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Wolfgang Krause

Profitable Growth for Automotive or Machinery Suppliers

from now
Interim Manager since: 05/2013
Update: 12.11.2024

Specialist groups

  • DDIM.fachgruppe // Automotive

Contact data

Dr.-Ing. W. Krause

Von-Merveldt-Straße 22
D-49377 Vechta

Telefon Mobile

Social networks

Personal data

Date of birth
03.04.1966 (Age:58)

Short profile

Is profitable growth a strategic goal for you?
As General Manager I offer to bring innovative products and international sales forward and to realise company acquisitions for more growth. I could also support purchasing and production to increase profitability. Due to my long-term experience as CEO I am monitoring consistently the entire corporate interests.
Take advantage of my professional, leadership and social competence for your company.
Experience overview
  • CEO Machine & plant engineering for tyre industry: reorganization survey, takeover of competitor
  • CEO Engineering service provider: strategy, profitability, electric drivetrains
  • CEO Automotive component supplier (Tier 1) with 1000 employees and € 360m turnover
  • Turnaround expert: significant EBITDA increase and profitable during economic downturns
  • Internationalisation: board member in China, North America, Brazil and Japan
  • IPO at Frankfurt Stock Exchange as CEO: investor relations, refinancing
  • Automotive specialist for 30 years (thereof 5 years at Audi): expertise of technology and markets
  • Management / General Management / Board
  • Production
  • Research & Development
  • Sales
  • Purchasing
Role in the company
  • 1st Level / Executive Board / Management
  • Supervisory Board / Advisory Board / Board of Directors
  • 2nd Level / Division Management / Department Management
  • Consultant, Advisor
Industry experience
  • Automotive, OEM
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Metal Industry
Type of company
  • Medium-sized Enterprise
  • Corporation / Group
  • Owner-managed / Family Business
Private Equity Portfolio Enterprise
Regions (Regions where you have proven experience)
  • Europe (EU)
  • North America
  • China
  • German (C2)
  • English (C1)
Special certificates and awards
Award for outstanding Private Equity Transactions (Maetaova from Deloitte in 2008)
Special skills
  • M&A
  • IPO

IM projects (self employed)

City / place
- Partner at
Taskforce - Management on Demand AG, Munich
- Adjunct Professor at University of Applied Science in Aachen; lecture:
„General Management of Automotive and Aerospace Suppliers“
- Business Angel and Advisor for Startups (since 11/2023)

Company description

Cutting machinery and plant engineering for the tyre industry

Company turnover in Mio $
80 Mio USD
Number of employees in company
City / place
  • Turnaround despite covid crisis
  • Reorganization survey (similar to IDW S6)
  • Subsidiaries in USA and China
  • Due Diligence (financial, legal, commercial, operations)
Measures taken
  • Portfolio expansions (Extruders and Industry 4.0)
  • Strategic planning and execution incl. M&A
  • Acquisition of main competitor (location: Slovakia)
Achieved Achievements
  • EBITDA 2021 +€ 17m vs. 2019; margin significantly above peer group
  • Turnover up by over 30% due to sales success in India and USA
  • On-time deliveries / cost reductions despite disrupted supply chains
  • LEAN intiatives increased productivity by 60% in the 3-year period
  • World market leadership defended against Chinese competitor
City / place
Area of responsibility (sales and employees)
Interim Plant Manager at a Machine Manufacturer with 430 employees (7/2018 - 8/2019)
Measures taken
  • Restructuring concept and implementation
  • Optimization of SAP ERP after go-live
  • Interim Head of Foundry (04-06/2019)
Achieved Achievements
  • EBITDA margin increased by c. 10 percentage points
Special challenges
  • Associate Manager at
    Taskforce - Management on Demand, Munich
  • Industry expert for batteries of electric vehicles
  • Consultant for Automotive suppliers

Company description

Drivetrain testing service provider with 120 testbeds

Company turnover in Mio $
60 Mio USD
Number of employees in company
City / place
  • New test center in China
Measures taken
  • Restructuring
  • Rebranding
Achieved Achievements
  • EBITDA increased by 50% to an industry leading margin
Special challenges
- Director of the Board in China (RMB 60m turnover), in Japan (€ 1,2m) und USA

Number of employees in company
City / place
Initial situation at the client

Transformation eines inhabergeführten in ein Private Equity-finanziertes Unternehmen

- Transmission Engineering Service Provider
- Interim management finance / controlling
- Transformation of an owner-managed to a private equity backed business
- Construction of new facility (outsourcing for VW)
City / place
Bad Schussenried
Automotive industry expert for private equity firms

Work history (permanent employment)

City / place
- Automotive supplier (Tier 1) for engine and transmission components and brake discs
- IPO in 2011, investor relations, refinancing
- Profitable growth
- Foundation of SHW Shanghai
- Stabilization on a profitable level in 2009
- M&A-projects
- Award for private equity-transaction (Deloitte)
Employees: 1000
Sales volume: 360
City / place
- Company sale to private equity by MAN concern
- Spin-off non automotive
- Profitable growth
- Turnaround of a business unit
- Director of the Board in Canada und Mexico (€ 70m turnover) and Brazil (€ 8m)
Employees: 600
City / place
Bad Schussenried
- P&L-responsibility for plant hydraulic pumps
- product innovations (e.g. variable pumps, camshaft phaser)
- turnover doubled in 6 years
Employees: 300
City / place
- Secondment abroad by Audi AG
- Technical and commercial project responsibility
- Coordination of design, testing and prototype department
Employees: 50
City / place
- Technical coordination with vehicle development, quality management and production departments
- Assistant manager for engine and vehicle repair-shop
- Joint project with Volkswagen
- Appointment to Audi Management in 1999
Employees: 14
City / place
- Implemented 3D-CAD (Unigraphics)
- Developed innovative engine components
- Construction of testing center (engine testbeds, road simulator)
Employees: 3


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