Welcome on the DDIM-Website of Dr. Thomas Baier

Thomas Baier
General Manager with empathy and passion to succeed
Managing Director in the LifeScience sector with broad expertise, customer focus and success
Contact data
Dr-B-f-P Consulting, Penzberg
- Telefon Mobile
- +491798017801
- Telefon Private
- +4988568024879
Social networks
Personal data
- Date of birth
- 07.07.1959 (Age:65)
Short profile
- Proven leadership / MD experience in large and smaller organizations
- Design and implementation of organizational change to gain efficiency
- Identification of technology innovations in Diagnostics & MedTech
- Passion for leading people and developing talents
- Perfoming workflow analysis as start point for improvements
- Experienced in leading teams and making them better
- Managing a site / organization professionally
- Coaching / Personnel Development
- Yield Increase
- Management
- Merger & Acquisition
- Process Optimization
- Research & Development
- Management / General Management / Board
- Marketing
- Sales
- Organization
- 1st Level / Executive Board / Management
- 2nd Level / Division Management / Department Management
- Coach
- Staff function / Expert / Specialist
- Biotech
- Chemistry
- Healthcare
- Medical Technology
- Pharmaceutical Industry
- Owner-managed / Family Business
- Medium-sized Enterprise
- Corporation / Group
- Start-up
- Europe (EU)
- Great Britain
- Switzerland
- German (Mother tongue)
- English (Fluent)
- French (Basic knowledge)
IM projects (self employed)
Dewpoint Therapeutics ist ein innovatives BioTech Unternehmen das sich "Kondensaten" widmet
- Number of employees in company
- 160
- City / place
- Dresden
- Internet
- https://dewpointx.com/
Leading the German site (GmbH) to fix urgent business matters
Service provider in the field of chemical analytics for wearables (world market leader)
- Number of employees in company
- 35
- City / place
- Obernburg, Deutschland
- Internet
- https://namsa.com/
Die Standortleiterin war gerade gegangen und ich musste ad-hoc die Leitung übernehmen,
Aufgaben: Abstimmung mit dem Mutterkonzern in USA zu Budget, Auftragslage und Kunden in Europa, Betreuung der jungen Manager mit Personalverantwortung, das Tagesgeschäft am Laufen halten und Vorschläge (workfow Analyse) zur Verbesserung der Arbeitsabläufe implementiert; die Planung für die Laborerweiterung vorangetrieben; finale Übergabe zum Abschluß an die neu eingestellet Standortleiterin
Mitarbeiter: 35
5,2 mio Euro / 35 employees
Volpi AG
- Number of employees in company
- 6
- City / place
- Zürich, Schweiz
- Internet
- https://www.volpi-group.com/
Mitarbeiter: 6
CDx Diagnostics
CDx is a service provider for the early detection of cancer in the esophagus with AI
- Company turnover in Mio $
- 120 Mio USD
- Number of employees in company
- 140
- City / place
- Auburn, NJ - USA
- Internet
- https://www.cdxdiagnostics.com/
Ein Aufsichtsratsmitglied in USA hatte mich angesprochen und über den CEO wurde ein 3-Jahesvertrag vereinbart.
Professionelle Betreuung der Top-Meinungsbildner (Gastroenterologen) in Europa und Prüfung, ob die Methodik eine Chance hat vergütet zu werden.
Aus diesem Grund habe ich in Deutschland mit einem auf Prüfung der Vergütungsfähigkeit spezialisierten Unternehmen zusammengearbeitet. In Zusammenarbeit mit der London Klinik war die Methode in Uk vor der Markteinführung.
Acting as head of Europe with 2 areas of focus: 1. accompany a multicentre study and 2. check possibility of establishing the methodology / business in the private patient sector
Precision System Science (PSS), Japan
- Number of employees in company
- 180
- City / place
- Japan
- Internet
- https://www.pssbio.com/management-team/
Neuausrichtung des Vertriebs und Marketings in Europa. Überarbeitung und Ausweitung des Distributoren-Netzwerkes in Europa. Vorbereitung für den Launch des GeneLead8 - einem PCR-Vollautomaten in selektierten Laboren. Neueinstellung von Mitarbeitern. Beratung mit dem CEO in Japan über die Europa-Strategie und Reisen nach China und HongKong, um neue Partnerschaften zu vereinbaren
Work history (permanent employment)
CDx Diagnostics, USA
HighTech (AI-supported) Diagnostics - early idendification of potential of oesopheagal cancer
- City / place
- Europa
Role: Analyzing and establishing a pre-cancer gastro-enterology service in Europe. Leading a multi-center study in Europe for WATS with top shot gastroenterologists successfully. Business model established in UK market.
Achievements: Created step-wise market access plan for WATS technology in top countries in Europe. Performed a deep analysis in key European markets. Including potential reimbursement possibilities especially in Germany and
UK. Established in a private clinic in UK the whole workflow for sending and processing private patient samples from UK to USA.
Precision System Science (PSS), Japan
European entity of a Japanese MedTech/Diagnostics producer - production of lab systems
- City / place
- Mainz, Deutschland
Role: As head of a small European team in Mainz re-established local office as well as an entity. Sparring partner to CEO in Tokyo for shaping the future concerning the portfolio as well as the European commercial strategy.
Achievements: Established a fully functional and successful European Team including strategy to partner with new distributors for PSS system portfolio and thereby stopped the decline of sales. Groundwork for a new MolDx system launch was prepared by establishing partnerships with
private labs in Germany, Austria and in Norway. New business cooperation with a Spanish liquid reagent supplier for new MolDx system established.
Employees: 8
Oncompass Medicine GmbH
Oncompass - a service provider for oncologists to provide a tailormade cancer therapy
- City / place
- München, Deutschland
Build as MD an organization from scratch (GmbH foundation) in a VC-financed enterprise with HQ in Budapest. Establish with new team for selling a paid AI-based service to KOLs in oncology, their cancer patients. Patients getting access to advanced and targeted cancer therapies. Achievements: Starting an enterprise from scratch including the following
activities: Registration of GmbH, renting office space, opening bank accounts, searching & hiring people, visiting oncologists such as top cancer excellence centers in Germany as well as city-based oncologists. Creating the strategy and tactics as well as all commercial material incl. advertising, renewal of homepage, facebook account. Contract closures with renowned oncologists in Germany in less than 9 months.
Employees: 10
Umfassendes Diagnostik-Portfolio Weltmarktführer / Pharma
- City / place
- Penzberg, Deutschland
Achieving or beating sales and cost budget every year,
Expanded market leadership position for industrial business in providing “raw materials (enzymes)” to Diagnostics or Chemical companies, new business plans etablished including expanded segmentation and entering a new customer segment. With a newly created offering concept to Pharma a
new customer segment was opened. Intense cooperation with Roche Pharma in the oncology area for setting up a joint co-development of A diagnostics kit used for launching a new therapeutics (Zelboraf). Several other projects in a co-development approach with Roche Pharma
Employees: 80
Sales volume: 350 million
Umfassendes Diagnostik-Portfolio Weltmarktführer / Pharma
- City / place
- Penzberg, Deutschland
Giving direction to >100 people ww, development of all sales- and marketing concepts (print & e) for sequencing (NGS), arrays, cellular products as well the “industrial business”, with special focus on Asia.
Achievements: Installation of regular global marketing meetings with regional reps; aligning with regions on “yearly campaign topics for (cancer, core brands)”, Further optimization of all “eChannels”, Established “454” as a competitive brand in the NGS arena as serious
competitor to Illumina
Employees: 110
Roche Molekulare Diagnostik
Entwicklung und Vertrieb von molekular-diagnostischen Systemen (zB PCR) in Europa
- City / place
- Penzberg, Deutschland
Role: Heading ~180 people, a cross-over of a research & development responsibility (PCR & sample prep machines) with a responsibility for all PCR launch activities in Europe, budget of entity; >70 mCHF budget, Member of Molecular Diagnostics operating committee (USA) and therefore extensive cooperation with US sites CA & NJ concerning portfolio development. Achievements: Development & launch of first PCR-based Sepsis panel “Septifast” in the world and first fully automated virology platform Cobas
Ampliprep-TaqMan, optimization of HIV & HCV assays, direct contact with laboratory managers (small/big) in order to discuss and implement new workflows / new lab automation
Employees: 180
Roche Diagnostics Scandinavia AB
Broad spectrum of diagnostics equipment for the professional lab
- City / place
- Stockholm, Schweden
Integration of three Boehringer Mannheim entities into one Scandinaviean Roche center in Stockholm, Achievements: from 1998 to 2003 sales growth rates of 12% in average and never below 10% per year. Cost ratio (operating costs / sales)
decreased from 26% to 21.5%. The final ratio was below EMEA average.Significant market share increases for all product lines as e.g. Diabetes, Clinical Labs, Virology Labs (PCR) and Point of Care Labs. Established a “top 10 Nordic lab manager” circle. Establishing new direct consumer
marketing expertise for successful repositioning the Diabetes business to “direct-to-consumer” approach.
Employees: 220
Sales volume: 120 million
Nordisches Regional Center - Roche
Broad spectrum of diagnostics equipment for the professional lab
- City / place
- Kopenhagen, Dänemark
Youngest ever appointed managing director of Roche Diagnostics up to this time.
Achievements: Achieving financial turnaround for positive development of sales (>10%) and profit (Operating costs / sales ratio decreased from 31% to 26%). Restructuring management team from scratch since it was
after dismissal of former head completely non-aligned
Employees: 50
Sales volume: 18
Broad spectrum of diagnostics equipment for the professional lab
- City / place
- Grenzach-Wyhlen, Deutschland
Head of the business area fro Germany, Strategy development for the German Sales teams, preparation of the introduction of new innovative systems,
Employees: 10
Hoffmann La Roche AG
Broad spectrum of diagnostics equipment for the professional lab
- City / place
- Grenzach-Wyhlen, Deutschland
Employees: 2
Sales volume: 8 million
Pädiatrische Endokrinologie des Universitätsklinikums Heidelberg
Der Doktor-Titel - Dr. scientarum humanarum - bietet an der Universität Heidelberg die Möglichkeit als Naturwissenschaftler in der Medizin zu promovieren. Magna Cum Laude
DKFZ Heidelberg, Labor Prof. Walter Keller
Betreuung von 4 BioTechnologie / Agrarwissenschafts-Studentinnen, um Ihnen im Studium (Masterarbeit) bzw,auf dem Weg ins Berufsleben behilflich zu sein
Vermittlung des Basiswissens im Bereich MArketing mit abschliessender Klausur