Welcome on the DDIM-Website of Arne Wölper
Arne Wölper
Knowledgeable - Focused - Pragmatic
Contact data
Selbstständig, Pinneberg
- Telefon Mobile
- +49 174 8221171
- Telefon Private
- +49 4101 5388359
Short profile
- Over 25 years Managing Director, Vice President, Business Unit Manager
- Extensive experience in change: Organisational development, M&A, PMI
- Pragmatic change, basing on experience as well as proven theories
- Branches: maritime industry & shipping, engineering/construction, high sophisticated techn
- Business Development
- Management
- Project Management
- Building a Company / Business
- Cost Reduction
- Management / General Management / Board
- Operations
- Organization
- 1st Level / Executive Board / Management
- 2nd Level / Division Management / Department Management
- Projekt Manager (Leitung)
- Plant Engineering
- Transportation & Logistics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Hotel, Tourism, Events
- Owner-managed / Family Business
- Medium-sized Enterprise
- Authorities
- Corporation / Group
- Brazil
- China
- France
- Germany
- Italy
- Poland
- Singapore
- German (Mother tongue)
- English (Business fluent)
- French (Basic knowledge)
- Agiles Projektmanagement
- Change Management
- Unternehmensführung
- Menschenführung
- Business Development
- Merger, PMI
- Green Field Projekte
IM projects (self employed)
- City / place
- Bremen, Deutschland
Der Konzern entschied im Rahmen seiner Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie die deutschen Standorte mittels Windkraftanlagen mit Energie zu versorgen. Dazu sollten drei Windparks mit ca. sieben Anlagen konzipiert und geplant werden.
Project management and realisation in close cooperation with all stakeholders and an engineering firm.
- City / place
- Hamburg, Deutschland
Auf Basis der Ergebnisse des Vorprojektes wurden die Verhandlungen mit der Stadt Hamburg in die Wege geleitet.
Support for the Group Management Board
- Further development and evaluation of alternatives
- Legal examination of the procedural options
- Management of the specialised working groups
EUROGATE Container Terminal Hamburg GmbH
- City / place
- Hamburg, Deutschland
Für den Standort Hamburg stellte die Stadt Hamburg die sogenannte Westerweiterung, eine ca. 40 ha große Fläche mit ca. 1.000 m möglicher neuer Kaimauer, für eine Expansion zur Verfügung. Die Hafen-spezifische Nutzung sicherte die Stadt Hamburg durch einen rechtskräftiger Planfeststellungsbeschluss ab. Auf dieser Basis eine Terminalausbaukonzept entwickelt werden.
Management of the interdisciplinary project team
- The fields of action were identified
- Development of various operational expansion concepts
- Preliminary examination of the structural, political and legal options
- Derivation of a business plan at a strategic level
- Development of a medium-term project plan
- The Group management was presented with several well-founded strategic options for action that could be embedded in a Europe-wide Group strategy.
- The need to quickly involve external stakeholders as the basis for further planning became very clear. The group management received a feasible concept and a basis for argumentation for further action.
- The convincing results were integrated into the cross-location terminal planning.
HHLA PLT Italy Srl
- Number of employees in company
- 120
- City / place
- Trieste, Italien
Ein, vom Konzern HHLA gerade übernommener Mehrzweckterminal sollte zu einem großen, modernen und klimaneutralen Containerterminal transformiert werden.
Management of the entire project team for the terminal expansion
- Analysis of basic data and information on site
- In online workshops, the project team developed and analysed solution variants for numerous problems.
- In addition, the project team included the innovative "Boxbay" high-bay storage system for containers as a third alternative in the evaluation.
- In the second step, the team optimised all three alternatives in several cycles from an operational, structural and commercial perspectives.
- The concept of the most modern, climate-neutral container terminal was created in record time to the client's utmost satisfaction.
- A project team for the continuation was implemented.
- The services were awarded the DDIM.projekt//2022 Interim Management Excellence Prize.
- A new, very medium-sized subsidiary, almost a start-up, had to be developed in a corporate environment.
- German and Italian mentalities had to be brought together in an international project team.
Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft / Finanzier - vertraulich / confidential
Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft / Finanzier
- City / place
- Deutschland, remote
Einer namhaften Werft drohte in die Insolvenz. Der Finanzier eines dort im Bau befindlichen Kreuzfahrtschiffes suchte Wege zur Sicherung seines Investments.
Development of a restructuring concept in cooperation with the auditing company
- Analysis and evaluation of the production status
- Analysis of the relevant cruise market
- Analysis of the potential customer market
- Elaboration of utilisation possibilities
- Elaboration of corresponding business plans
- Valuation of the "cruise ship" asset in terms of recoverability
- Development of a strategy and recommendation for action for the client
Aprile Consulting
Software Entwickler
- City / place
- Deutschland
Das Unternehmen plante eine Tracing-Applikation in den Kreuzfahrtmarkt zu übertragen, kannte den Markt jedoch nicht.
- Development of an implementation concept
- Analyses of all relevant processes
- Specification of the new functions
- Project planning
- Approaching potential partners for a pilot project
Kreuzfahrtgesellschaft im Aufbau
- City / place
- Deutschland
Der Gesellschafter plante mit einem innovativen Kreuzfahrtkonzept in den Markt einzutreten.
Overall responsibility for the project
- Development of the product including market analyses and concept design
- Preparation of detailed business plans
- Realisation of a shipyard enquiry (qualification for tender)
- Convincing overall concept developed
- Joint venture partner found
Lean Maritime GmbH
Unternehmensberatung / Werft
- City / place
- Niederlande
Der Auftraggeber, eine Werft, wollte in den Kreuzfahrtmarkt eintreten. Dazu sollte eine Fertigungsstrategie nach Lean Management Prinzipien entwickelt werden.
member of project team
- Analysing the production possibilities on site
- Development of a strategy with the employees of the shipyard
- Derivation of a production schedule from order to delivery
Lean Maritime GmbH / Hijos de J. Barreras
Mittelständische Werft in Spanien
- City / place
- Spanien
Der Bau eines Kreuzfahrtschiffes war bereits mehrere Monate verzögert. Der Werft drohten erhebliche Verzugsstrafen.
- Senior Advisor bei Hijos de J. Barreras
- Improvement of shipbuilding production processes
- Implementation of Lean Management principles / Takt Planning and Control
- Analysis of the status quo
- Reorganisation of the production planning process
- Introduction of daily/weekly process control in the workshops and on the ship, including corrective measures in the event of delays
- Restructuring of the design process
- Process control regained
- Production processes significantly accelerated and distortion largely made up for
A-ROSA Flusskreuzfahrten
- City / place
- Deutschland
Nach intensiver, erfolgreicher Konsolidierungsphase und Gesellschafterwechsel richtete die Geschäftsführung das Unternehmen in allen Bereichen auf Wachstum aus. In dieser Phase verließ die Leitung des nautisch-technischen Bereiches das Unternehmen. Die strategisch wichtige Beschaffung eines innovativen Schiffstyps war nahezu zum Stillstand gekommen.
Management of the nautical-technical department
Management of the new building department
- The strategically important procurement of the new ship type had to be carried out quickly enough to ensure that it could be commissioned at the beginning of 2021.
- Personnel capacities were to be increased as quickly as possible and the areas of new construction and operations were to be organisationally separated.
- The structures were to be geared towards growth and optimisation of commercial operations.
- The procurement process for the new ship was completely restructured.
- The processes were restructured.
- A new cost planning and control system was set up.
- The successors were recruited.
- The procurement process for the new ship was completed after only around 100 days.
- Significant cash-in and free capacity created
- The client regained planning security and reduced costs
- The client saved considerable recruitment costs
Hamburg Port Authority AöR
- City / place
- Deutschland
Die Schiffe der Hansestadt Hamburg (Hafenbehörde, Feuerwehr, Polizei, ...) sollten in einem neuen Unternehmen zusammengefasst und bewirtschaftet werden. In diesem Zuge sollten die anstehenden Neubeschaffungen optimiert werden.
Management of the project in close co-operation with the management, employees, representatives of the police, fire brigade and other authorities
- Development of an appropriate controll system
- Conceptualisation and negotiation of the new contract system with all stakeholders
- Supporting the reorganisation of the newly founded GmbH Flotte Hamburg
- Successful establishment of Flotte Hamburg GmbH
- New customers are extremely satisfied with the new fleet management services
- Financing of the new ships made possible
Hamburg Port Authority AöR
- City / place
- Deutschland
Die Hansestadt Hamburg wollte das Management der verschiedenen Stadt eigenen Schiffe zur Effizienzsteigerung und Vereinfachung der Finanzierung von Neubauten zusammenlegen
Project management in close cooperation with the management
- Conceptualisation of a completely new business model
- Creating the necessary acceptance among all stakeholders
- Analysis of the demand situation, deployments and costs of the ships
- SWOT analysis of existing organisations
- Active stakeholder management at all levels
- Conceptualisation of the new customer-service provider relationships with all affected parties
- Preparation of the Senate proposals
- Practical concept for implementation developed
- Acceptance achieved among all stakeholders
- Senate of the federal state decided on implementation
Ahrenkiel Ship Management
Ship Management Betrieb in PMI-Phase
- City / place
- Deutschand
Aufgrund wirtschaftlicher Faktoren in der Schifffahrtskrise fusionierte mehrere Reedereien. Die Verantwortlichen initiierten die Fusion zunächst erfolgreich. Doch in der Post-Merger-Integrationsphase liefen die Maßnahmen auf Grund – und dies, obwohl das Projekt gewissenhaft aufgesetzt wurde. Da die Banken schnelle Ergebnisse sehen wollten, geriet die Geschäftsführung zunehmend unter Druck.
Coach of the top management
- The change process have been be accelerated and successfully implemented. Almost all resistance was resolved and the employees were brought on board.
- The management was relieved and was able to focus on other tasks.
- The banks were satisfied and took the pressure off.
- The return on investment was extraordinary
AIDA Cruises
Führendes Kreuzfahrtunternehmen im DACH-Bereich
- City / place
- Deutschland,England,Frankreich,Belgien,Niederl.
AIDA Cruises wollte den Hafenaufenthalt deutlich nachhaltiger gestallten. Zum Projektstart gab es weltweit keine nachhaltige Energieversorgung für Kreuzfahrtschiffe in Häfen.
Project management from concept development to implementation
- Market evaluation
- Technical conceptualisation with engineering offices and employees, including safety and logistics concepts
- Preparation of business plans
- Coordination with all authorities at home and abroad
- Support in negotiations with energy suppliers
- Supervision during implementation
- World's first LNG supply for cruise ships developed and built in five European countries
- The customer strengthened its pioneering role as the most environmentally friendly cruise company
- The project developed as a pioneer for further, larger LNG projects
Work history (permanent employment)
AIDA Cruises
- City / place
- Deutschland (weltweit)
Responsible for Fleet Management incl. Safety, Technical Operations, Security, Health & Medical, Energy & Environment
Key achievements: sustainable development of departments mentioned above in a phase of extreme growth
LINTEC GmbH & Co KG (Anlagenbau in Bauindustrie)
- City / place
- Deutschland (Polen, China, Singapur, Frankreich)
Masterminded and led the comprehensive restructuring of the company to accomplish turnaround, increasing turnover by > 250% and realizing shift from only losses to best profit ever achieved:
- Restructured an Asian joint venture including built up production in China
- Implemented pre and post project calculation
- Introduced systematic sales forecasts and adjusted sales activities and production accordingly
- Restructured procurement activities, especially in Poland and China
- Developed several new plants and products
- Managed the closure of a subsidiary
EUROGATE Technical Services GmbH (hochwertige, technische Dienstleistungen)
- City / place
- Deutschland (Italien, Brasilien)
Key Achievements:
- Architected merger (BLG and Eurokai) of all technical service companies / group departments including spin-off of the Technical Division of EUROKAI Container Terminal KGaA
- Led several development and organizational restructuring projects to successful completion
- Managed major international and local port development projects
- Pushed the development of highly sophisticated technical services
- Conducted negotiations of new labor tariffs and labor schemes, i.e. shift systems
- Drove the re-customization and implementation of the ERP system SAP R3
EUROKAI Container Terminal KGaA
- City / place
- Deutschland (Italien, Brasilien)
Key Achievements:
- Managed major international and local port development projects
- Executed projects focused on development and organizational restructuring
- Designed and implemented training programs to promote employee development
- Led negotiations with in-house labor representatives and steered cooperation with unions
- Developed highly sophisticated technical services
- Implemented a controlling function based on KPIs
- Conducted analyses and due diligence of international and local port companies
Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg
- City / place
- Deutschland
Research Field: Remote-controlled underwater vehicles
Ipswich, UK
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