Welcome on the DDIM-Website of Michael Kiel

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Michael Kiel

Passionate Excellence Development in Industry

Interim Manager | COO, Plant Manager, Quality Manager, Project Manager | Production, Quality Management, SCM, Lean Management, Digitalisation, Sustainability

from 01.07.2025
Interim Manager since: 07/2024
Update: 26.11.2024

Specialist groups

  • DDIM.fachgruppe // Operations

Contact data

Michael Kiel, Baden bei Wien

Rosenbüchelgasse 8
A-2500 Baden

Telefon Mobile
+43 6648478117

Social networks

Personal data

Date of birth
28.05.1965 (Age:59)

Short profile

My expertise is the professional order processing from customer orders to delivery. To do this, I work as COO, plant manager and quality manager or as the responsible manager for special and challenging projects. In addition to my technical experience, I also offer strategy work in a commercial context with medium-term planning. In recent years, as part of the Industry 4.0 initiative, I have driven digitalization in the production, QM and SCM areas. In addition to OEE and SCM solutions, AI applications for worker assistance and quality assurance were also developed. I can demonstrate numerous experiences and awards on the subject of sustainability. In 2020, my team and I received the "Green Factory" award for Austria's most sustainable factory. Our Clean Production was able to demonstrate massive decarbonization. Since autumn 2024, I have been responsible for an interim mandate for the restructuring of an industrial company.
Experience overview
  • Restructuring of a medium-sized manufacturing industrial company
  • Factory planning and construction in Central and Eastern Europe
  • Development of excellence with Industry 4.0 (digitalization, automation, sustainability)
  • Significant increase in delivery performance with high added value
  • Increase in productivity through lean management and automation
  • Customer enthusiasm through sustainable quality management
  • Project Management
  • Change Management
  • Cost Reduction
  • Digitization
  • Yield Increase
  • Exzellenzentwicklung
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Qualitätsmanagement
  • Management / General Management / Board
  • Operations
  • Production
  • Quality Management
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Organisationsaufbau und Restrukturierungen
  • Exzellenzentwicklung im Shopfloor
  • Transformation zu Smart / Green Factory
Role in the company
  • 1st Level / Executive Board / Management
  • 2nd Level / Division Management / Department Management
  • Program Manager
  • Projekt Manager (Leitung)
  • Consultant, Advisor
Industry experience
  • Automotive, OEM
  • Electrical Engineering / Electronics
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Plant Engineering
  • Automotive, Supplier
  • Antriebstechnik (Getriebe, E-Motoren, FU)
  • Sicherheitstechnologie/Schließsysteme
Type of company
  • Owner-managed / Family Business
  • Corporation / Group
  • Medium-sized Enterprise
Regions (Regions where you have proven experience)
  • Asia
  • Europe (EU)
  • Austria
  • China
  • Germany
  • German (Mother tongue)
  • English (Fluent)
Special certificates and awards
2024: Incite-Lehrgang Interim Management (Wirtschaftskammer Österreich)
2024: Experts Days KI und Nachhaltigkeit (UBIT, WKO)
2006: DQS, Berufung zum Auditleiter
2006: DGQ, Zertifikat DGQ-Auditor Qualität nach DIN EN ISO 19011
Special skills
  • International erfahrener Manager mit strategischer und operativer Verantwortung entlang der Wertschöpfungskette: Produktion, Qualitätsmanagement, Einkauf, Supply Chain Management, Service, Instandhaltung, Arbeitsvorbereitung, Arbeitssicherheit
  • Fabrikplanung mit Neubau/Umbau von Industriebetrieben in Europa nach strategischen Gesichtspunkten in Verbindung mit dem Aufbau von prozessorientierten Organisationen
  • Disziplinarische Verantwortung von > 400 Mitarbeitern mit einem Budget von 30 Mio. EUR 
  • Kaufmännische Kompetenz durch Umsetzung der Forecast- und der Mittelfristplanung
  • Exzellenzentwicklung in produzierenden Industrieunternehmen unter Anwendung der aktuellen Methoden der Industrie 5.0 mit den Themen Digitalisierung, Künstliche Intelligenz, Automatisierung, Nachhaltigkeit und natürlich die Einbindung des Menschen
  • Hohe Fähigkeit zur Analyse und Optimierung durch langjährige Tätigkeit als Auditor

IM projects (self employed)

Company description

Development, production and distribution of tool systems

Company turnover in Mio $
50 Mio USD
Number of employees in company
City / place
Baden Württemberg
Initial situation at the client

neues ERP System SAP S/4HANA
Neue Organisation
Umzug in das neue Gebäude

Area of responsibility (sales and employees)
Sales €50 million
300 employees
restructuring of the company
Measures taken
New organization developed and implemented. Short-term cost savings through personnel measures. Improvement processes initiated.
Achieved Achievements
Fully functional with reduced staff. Main customer regained. Move to the new factory. SAP S/4HANA successfully implemented.
Special challenges
Management team disagrees. Contradictory instructions from the company
City / place
City / place
City / place

Company description

Certifications ans assessments

City / place

Work history (permanent employment)

City / place
100 million EUR turnover/year; 850 employees; metal & electronics
Manufacture of mechanical and electronic locking systems
Overall strategic and operational responsibility for the
Group Operations & Quality Management division
Member of the Executive Board
Development of the corporate strategy and medium-term planning on the board
Technical and commercial responsibility for the Group division
Budget responsibility 30 million EUR, rolling forecast
Personnel responsibility for 400 employees

Development, production and sales of drive technology

City / place
Wiener Neustadt
25 million EUR turnover/year; 250 employees; mechanical engineering & plant engineering
Manufacture of mechanical drive systems
Authorized representative
Strategic cooperation with the owner
Operational management of the sub-areas of the value chain
(production, assembly, QM, purchasing, SCM, warehouse, service)
Personnel responsibility 150 employees, direct report from 6 employees
Technical and commercial Responsibility of the company
Budget responsibility EUR 15 million, rolling forecast

Development, production and sales of marine gears

City / place
120 million EUR turnover/year; 450 employees; mechanical engineering & shipbuilding
Manufacture of marine gears
Member of the management team, strategy work
Management of the department with 35 employees including occupational safety
Acceptance of marine gears with the accredited companies
Supply chain management to guarantee deadlines
Reduction of lead time
Auditing of suppliers
Responsibility and coordination of the continuous improvement process
Introduction of new measuring technology

Development, production and sales of drive technology

City / place
600 million EUR turnover/year; 3000 employees; metal & electronics, automotive
Manufacture of mechanical and electronic drive technology
Quality manager

Quality management officer with 25 employees
Management systems 9001/14001/18001
Responsibility for complaints management
Support of automotive customers
Management and guarantee of continuous improvement
Introduction of process management
Support of SAP introduction as key user
Project manager in the construction of a new assembly factory


Notes / specifics
Kultur und Leadership
Notes / specifics
Diplom Ingenieur (FH) Produktionstechnik
Notes / specifics
Fachoberschule mit Hochschulreife
Notes / specifics
Lehre als Maschinenschlosser verkürzt auf 3 Jahre

Documents and files

477.79 KB
Infodatei / Präsentation

Prizes and awards for my activities in recent years

480.17 KB
Infodatei / Präsentation

Preise und Auszeichnungen meiner Aktivitäten der letzten Jahre

104.27 KB
Infodatei / Präsentation

Typical case studies in which I was responsible. The topics: restructuring, international factory construction, productivity improvement, quality management, delivery performance, lean management

95.19 KB
Infodatei / Präsentation

Typischen Fallstudien in denen ich die Verantwortung hatte. Die Themen: Restrukturierung, Fabrikbau international, Produktivitätssteigerung, Qualitätsmanagement, Lieferperformance, Lean Management

327.19 KB

Curriculum Vitae Michael Kiel

328.79 KB

Lebenslauf Michael Kiel

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