Welcome on the DDIM-Website of Dr. Can Abay

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Can Abay

Catalyst for industrial solutions CEO/CRO/CTO/COO


from 01.07.2024
Interim Manager since: 06/2016
Update: 29.07.2024

Contact data

Dr. C. Abay Consult, Düsseldorf

Kaiserswerther Str. 215
D-40474 Düsseldorf / München

Telefon Mobile

Social networks

Personal data

Date of birth
27.07.1969 (Age:55)

Short profile

Dr. C. Abay is building productive bridges between expectations on market and feasible technology. Especially between Europe and Turkey. Examples are MAN AG – a DAX30 company -, as well as Krone GmbH. He succeeds in field of commercial vehicles and automotive with strong restructuring projects. Due to methodical determination of fitting strategies, investments are optimized. Vast experience in management and consultancy qualifying him for establishment of JV's, factories/reallocations or M&A.
Experience overview
  • General Management - Establishing technical structures
  • Change Management and Restructuring, Bankruptcy Administration
  • Strategical planning and Realisation
  • EBIT boosting, turn around
  • Enhancement and Reallocation from assembly / production units
  • Joint Ventures and M&A
  • (Digital) Factory planning and establishment (Green-/Brownfield)
  • Restructuring / Reorganization, close to insolvency
  • Change Management
  • Internationalization
  • Merger & Acquisition
  • Turnaround
  • Management / General Management / Board
  • Operations
  • Engineering
Restrukturierung / Transformation
M&A - Company sales
Role in the company
  • 1st Level / Executive Board / Management
  • Supervisory Board / Advisory Board / Board of Directors
Industry experience
  • Automotive, OEM
  • Automotive, Supplier
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Plastic / Rubber
  • Electrical Engineering / Electronics
Type of company
  • Corporation / Group
  • Medium-sized Enterprise
  • Owner-managed / Family Business
Regions (Regions where you have proven experience)
  • Asia
  • Europe (EU)
  • Slovakia
  • Sweden
  • Turkey
  • German (Mother tongue or bilingual)
  • English (Business fluent)
  • French (Basic knowledge)
  • Italian (Conversational)
  • Turkish (Mother tongue or bilingual)

IM projects (self employed)

Company description

Stumpp + Schüle GmbH is a 100% subsidiary of Lesjöfors AG (swedish holding on Stockholm Stock Exchange); €650 m. turnover with 3500 employees. Stumpp produces springs for automotive with 300 employe

Company turnover in Mio $
650 Mio USD
Number of employees in company
City / place
Beuren Stuttgart
Initial situation at the client
Situation: Übernahme von Stumpp in 2012 durch traditionsreiche schwedische Holding Lesjöfors. Negativer Ebit seit 2019. Misslungene M&A Aktivität. Corona-Krise. Insolvenz einer der Hauptkunden. Problematisches Management. Compliance-Themen. Aufgabe: Verhinderung einer Insolvenz. Verbesserung der knappen Liquidität. Restrukturierung zur Erreichung eines pos. EBIT 2024. Maßnahmen: Ausstellung des GF, Wechsel Management, Verhandlung mit Hauptkunden, Schließung des Werkes Nowe Zamky (SLO) m
Area of responsibility (sales and employees)
300 FTE
€20 m.
Avoidance of an insolvency. Improvement of Liquidity situation. Restructuring in ordert o reach pos. EBIT 2024.
Measures taken
Layoff of MD and further White Collar. Hard negotiations with A-Customers, Closure of plant Nowe Zamky (SLO) with 100 empl. Sales of assets. Reduction of Head Counts in Germany by 20 %. Outsourcing quality and logistics. Stopping of C-part production at A-customers. Segmentation of production. Start of M&A Process.
Achieved Achievements
Stop of cash burn: €1,8 m. at €18 m. turns in 2023. Improvement of EBIT +23 % within 4 months. Increasing of all prices by 12 %. Cost reduction (eg. -900 k€ personal costs in 24). „Loosing“ of assets. Search for potential customers for M&A Process. Negotiations.  

Company description

Chinese company for wheelset production for rail vehicles with 800 employees and €100 m. turnover.

Company turnover in Mio $
100 Mio USD
Number of employees in company
City / place
Initial situation at the client
Übernahme in 2017 der traditionsreichen Bochumer Verein Verkehrstechnik mit zwei weiteren Standorten in den neuen Bundesländern durch chinesischen Investor China Railway Group. EBITDA seit 12 Monaten negativ, cash-burn 1,2 Mio. € p. Monat. Stark vertriebsgesteuert. Investitionsstau. Energieproblematik (Gasabhängigkeit), Schwerindustrie Mitten in der Bochumer Innenstadt. Unangepasste Restrukturierungsversuche vorangegangen. Fehlende Motivation in der Mannschaft. Auftragssituation aus den Fuge
Area of responsibility (sales and employees)
800 FTE
€100 m.
Prevention of bankruptcy. Improving the scarce liquidity. S6 report by FIT Andersch AG. Then restructuring. However, without external recources and prevention of severance payments and without a restructuring budget.
Measures taken
Coordination of a restructuring plan with the shareholder and auditor Andersch. Establishment of a PMO. Implementation and coordination oft he work packages, especially SCM/inventory. Negotiations with union IGM, works council and customers (DB, Alstom, CRRC, SBB, ÖBB). Integration oft he production plants into a common productive system. Discussions with banks and customers. Dismissal oft he active MD. Looking for new CFO, looking for new managers. Gas Saving Program. Inventory control
Achieved Achievements
The workforce waived wage increases. Consent oft he workforce for unpaid overtime and 6 days a week. Reduction of 105 employees end of 2022, 50 % of whom are permanent employees. Speed up production. Increase in effectiveness. Reduce NCC costs by 25 %. Release of working capital in the amount of €10 m. However, not sufficient enough for a positive continuation prognosis! More radical steps are initially not accepted by the shareholder.

Company description

Chinese company for aluminum die casting automotive with 3000 employees and €400 m. turnover. 100 % subsidiary of Dicastal / Citic China. 2500 empl., 100% subsidiary Dicastal China with 10.000 empl.

Company turnover in Mio $
400 Mio USD
Number of employees in company
City / place
Initial situation at the client
Übernahme der ehemaligen Thyssen-Tochter durch großen chinesischen Investor (5 Mrd. € Umsatz). EBITDA seit 14 Monaten zweistellig negativ, cash-burn 10 Mio. € p. Monat. Investitionsstau. Energieproblematik (Gasabhängigkeit), Schwerindustrie Mitten in der Hildesheimer Innenstadt. Zwei Insolvenzen, eine gescheiterte Insolvenz unter Schutzschirmverfahren (Görg, EY). Mauernder Betriebsrat am Standort Hildesheim (zugleich Headquarter). Fehlende Motivation in der Mannschaft. Compliance-Themen, Schwarz
Area of responsibility (sales and employees)
2500 FTE
€400 m.
Restructuring. Positive EBIT. However, without insolvency (under protective shield). Improving liquidity.
Measures taken
Creation of a tough restructuring strategy with plant closures (Hildesheim and CZ), layoffs and M&A. Change of managements (2. row). Negotiations with union  IGM and work council. Negotiations with customers, price escalation clauses (Mercedes Benz, BMW, VW, ZF, etc.). Gas-Saving-Programmes.
Achieved Achievements
Works Council and shareholder do not go along with proposed plan. According to an examination by auditor Pluta/Wieselhuber , there is also overindebtedness clearly. The shareholder does not provide a rolling letter of comfort over 12 months and over €160 m. This starts the bankruptcy filing period. Resignation from office.

Company description


Company turnover in Mio $
230 Mio USD
Number of employees in company
City / place
Istanbul /TR
Initial situation at the client
Compliance. Mitarbeiter: 1500 Umsatz: 230
Area of responsibility (sales and employees)
FTE 1500
€230 m.
Temporary stabilisation. Looking for new management. Handing over.
Measures taken
Clarification of the situation. Legal actions. Notarial activities. Financial data backup. Customer care.
Achieved Achievements
Company was transferred to the new CEO

Company description

Harnesses for Automotive

Company turnover in Mio $
150 Mio USD
Number of employees in company
City / place
Wuppertal / Tunis /Moldau
Initial situation at the client
Schließung von Werken im Ausland (Moldau, Polen, Mexico, China). Aufbau und Expansion von Werken in Tunesien (Maghreb). Kabelsätze, Elektrokomponenten für Automotive. Mitarbeiter: 2000 Umsatz: 150
Area of responsibility (sales and employees)
FTE 4500
€200 m.
Relocation of machines and locations worldwide to Tunisia. Expansion of the site to 4,500 employees and 80% of the entire production. Strategic product management and strategic planning. Budget €200 million.
Measures taken
Establishment of a business-plan. Creation of a new team. On-site terminations. Dismissed the managing director Moldova, Poland. backing up the data. Creation of training materials. Administration of the financial values ??at the foreign locations. Finding suitable staff. Set up a ramp-down plan. At the same time development of the Tunisian plant. Reinforcement of the staff on site. Looking for new GF, looking for new managers. Quality-assurance.
Achieved Achievements
Transfer of 6 assembly lines from Moldova /  Poland to Tunisia. Rationalization of 500 empl. Closure Moldova, Poland and Mexico plants. Stabilization of manufacturing costs in Tunisia. Relocation of 1200 machines/components. Audit by VW.

Company description

Plastik injection for Automotive

Company turnover in Mio $
200 Mio USD
Number of employees in company
City / place
Initial situation at the client
1400 MA. Unternehmen im Mittelstand mit ca. 200 Mio. € Umsatz. 4 Bereiche: Kunststoffspritzguß für Automotive, Werkzeugherstellung, Kunststoff-beschichtung, Bauwesen. Sanierung, Insolvenzabwendung der Firma Krallmann. Durch zu hohe Fremdkapitalraten drohende Insolvenz. Gläubiger Deutsche Bank hat über PWC Düsseldorf eine Rettungsaktion gestartet. Commerzbank und Volksbank zogen nach. Vor allem die Werkzeugbausparte sollte saniert, wenn möglich geschlossen werden.
Area of responsibility (sales and employees)
FTE 1400
€200 m.
Averting the threat of insolvency, downsizing. Starting point toolmaking division Krallmann. Then the owner's "hobby areas", such as Cobiax. Liquidity was critical and should be improved immediately. Difficult negotiations with IG Metall.
Measures taken
Stopping the "future orders". Introduction of MES on the machine tools. Sensible adaptation of the entire ERP system to reality. Development of contribution margin analyses. Machine hourly rate calculations. Sale of badly used machines. Return to Lessor. Stopping the owner's "hobby activities." Keeping his sons out of business. Constant reporting to the banks and PWC. Establishment of a transfer company for 250 employees, dismissal of 250 employees. Sale of assets
Achieved Achievements
Complete elimination of the liquidity bottleneck within the first 3 months. Reduction of the manufacturing costs by approx. 35% at Krallman and by approx. 10% in the Heinze group. New IT architecture. Development of a global sourcing with a 20% price reduction over everything.

Company description

Commercial Vehicles - Wheel producer

Company turnover in Mio $
1600 Mio USD
Number of employees in company
City / place
Solingen / Deutschland
Initial situation at the client
Sanierung und Restrukturierung auf VP-Level EMEA nach Firmenübernahme. Werksschließungen in Deutschland und Frankreich. Versorgung der Kunden (MAN, Daimler, Iveco) durch Verlagerung von Maschinen und Standorten in die Türkei. Neues Werk (Greenfield), neue Maschinen. Verhandlungen für den Landkauf. Umsatz: 45 Mio. €
Area of responsibility (sales and employees)
FTE 500
€230 m.
Relocation of machines and sites from the EU to Turkey. Strategic product management and strategic planning. Budget €230 million. Turkey only €45m. Solve problems with corrupt union in Turkey.
Measures taken
Establishment of a business plan. Evidence of the excessive costs of machine relocation and refitting. This led to the decision to buy new machines from Turkey. Strategic purchasing, development of staff at the TR location, optimization of the process chains. Greenfield factory planning, since expansion projects of the existing Turkish factory are not worthwhile.
Achieved Achievements
Conviction of the President EMEA that it is better to build a new plant in another city. New machines and processes result in better processes. Planning of the project and preparation of the business plan. Preparations for land purchase. Project stopped due to a drop in sales of more than 15%.

Company description

Automotive OEM

Company turnover in Mio $
1000 Mio USD
Number of employees in company
City / place
Tschechische Rep. / Türkei
Initial situation at the client
Beratung des Vorstandes Produktion in der Entscheidung neues Werk Türkei bzw. Werkserweiterung Tschechische Rep. Light Vehicle Trucks Umsatz: über 1 Mrd. €
Determining the location factors for production. Checking market opportunities.
Measures taken
Analysis of the two locations Czech Rep. & Turkey with the requirement to find national market shares for light vehicle trucks.
Achieved Achievements
Land purchase in one of the countries.

Company description

Special Vehicles / Commercial Vehicles

Company turnover in Mio $
150 Mio USD
Number of employees in company
City / place
Deutschland Nord
Initial situation at the client
Marktführer Ambulanzen. Produktion auch in Polen. Agiler Markt. Steigerung der Ausbringung durch Segmentierung in High/Low-Runner. Verkürzung Lieferzeiten durch Plattformbildung /Variantenmanagement. Gewinnoptimierung durch DB-gerechten Vertrieb. F&E „Ambulanz 2.0“. Werk für vollautomatisierte Montage. Mitarbeiter: 600 Umsatz: 150 Mio. €
Area of responsibility (sales and employees)
FTE 650
€150 m.
Increase in output. Reduction of lead times. Optimization of profit.
Measures taken
Processes streamlined. Contribution margins recalculated. Variant management. New developments on a platform basis. Assembly segmentation in High/Low Runners. Restructuring of the entire production. New planning of an assembly plant. Site planning. Investment planning. Financing planning. Business Plan creation.
Achieved Achievements
CFO was replaced. Distributors were credited via contribution margin. Land purchase for new automated assembly plant. 20 % of planned investments were made. Ambulance 2.0 was initiated. Capacity enhanced by 50 % due to segmentation of assembly lines. Decreasing of lead times by automation and platform strategies. Establishing product development center and separation in BU’s. Turnover boosted.

Company description


Company turnover in Mio $
35 Mio USD
Number of employees in company
City / place
Ankara / Türkei
Initial situation at the client
Beleuchtungshersteller - Familienunternehmen mit Übergang in Gen. 2. VUCA (Volatilität, Ungewissheit, Complexität und Ambivalenz) Effekte. Analyse mit der 5 M Methode. Bildung von BU’s und Übergang Nachfolger. Verkauf an dt. Unternehmen. Steigerung des Outputs, Erhöhung des Exportanteils um 25 %. Mitarbeiter: 150 Umsatz: 35 Mio. €
Area of responsibility (sales and employees)
FTE 150
€35 m.
Wasn't really clear to the owner. He demanded stability and a smooth transition to the next generation. Processes should be defined and the structure and process organization should be redesigned without destroying the "family custom". The company should possibly be sold
Measures taken
Analysis with 5 M (Man, Machine, Material, Management, Method) Change of management level (Adecco). Structure of process descriptions. Calculation of contribution margin per product line. Platforms for specific products. Segmentation into 2 factories (workshop and series). Peddling with potential interested parties of the company. Switch to Holding, separating the wheat from the chaff.
Achieved Achievements
Sale of the pushed and profitable areas to third parties. Concentration on the products typical of the location. Improvement of the R&D periphery. Increase in output, increase in export share by 25%. Increased highrunner percentage by 35%. Distribution of the BU's within the new holding to the 2 children- Establishment of BU’s and sell of BU’s to Germany.

Work history (permanent employment)

City / place
Leading Bus / Truck Producer - 1500 employees; turnover $ 350 Mio. JV between Qatar / Turkey. GM for BU Bus.
Realization of a new own idea for efficient bus production “molibus”. Kick off for a new company with special squad. Leading of R&D activities. Presentation of the 1st prototype.
Employees: 850
Sales volume: 150 Mio. €
City / place
Ankara / Türkei
Family owned Lighting producer with VUCA Effects (Volatility, Uncertainity, Complexity, Ambiguity)
Analysis with 5M-Method.
Establishment of BU’s and sell of BU’s to Germany.
Capacity enhancement and increase of export ratio 25 %
Employees: 150
Sales volume: 35 Mio. €
City / place
Deutschland Ost
Fond-owned company. Establishment of new BU’s for automotive (BMW / ZF).
Due Diligence Strategies for boosting turnover (plus 30 Mio. €=)
Takeover of a fourth company for automotive components rom BMW AG.
Establishing sales activities in Turkey.
R&D and platform technologies.
Employees: 1100
Sales volume: 100 Mio. €
City / place
Deutschland / Türkei
Establishment of a JV Krone and Dogus Group. 40 Mio. € Investment.
Planning and Construction of a Trailer Production facility for 20.000 units p.a.
After closure due to the world wide crisis, consultancy for Krone and turkish Tier 1 Suppliers:
Wheels Jantsa, 800 empl. / Shafts Tirsan, 600 empl.
Employees: 300
Sales volume: 240 Mio. €
City / place
München, D / Ankara, TR
Strategic Department, Munich 2005 - 2007
Heavy Trucks
Capacity enhancement Munich axle production (1200 employees). Leading of teams.
Job Preparation / Tooling, MAN Ankara 2001 - 2005
70 employees, bus assembly line, PPS/ERP.
Team leader Axle/Gear Production Department, Munich 1999-2001
Employees: 70
Sales volume: 50 Mio. €


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