Welcome on the DDIM-Website of Ralf H. KOMOR
A Ship in Harbor Is Safe, But that Is Not What Ships Are Built For.
Specialist groups
Contact data
- Telefon Mobile
- +491731486843
Social networks
Personal data
- Date of birth
- 19.07.1961 (Age:63)
Short profile
I am passionate about developing new business models, optimising sales strategies and taking responsibility in turnaround situations when sales need to be revitalised. I mainly work with medium-sized companies, start-ups and corporations and lead these mandates to success: more enquiries, increased efficiency and a better customer experience.
As an experienced B2B sales professional at C-level, I have more than 35 years of expertise in national and international projects. My working style is co-operative, determined and visionary. My credo is "Resulting instead of consulting".
- Strong in implemetation
- Fast
- no vanities
- Target oriented
- Great experience
- Self-Starter
- Leader
- Business Development
- Digitization
- Turnaround
- Change Management
- Yield Increase
- B2B Vertrieb
- Sales Management
- Vertriebsmanagement
- Sales
- Marketing
- Organization
- Management / General Management / Board
- Zertifizierter Beirat
- Transformation and Turnaround Manager (IFuS)
- Most Trusted Adviser WHU
- Supervisory Board / Advisory Board / Board of Directors
- 1st Level / Executive Board / Management
- 2nd Level / Division Management / Department Management
- Consultant, Advisor
- Coach
- Internet and Information Technology
- Automotive, Supplier
- Services
- Plant Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Corporation / Group
- Medium-sized Enterprise
- Start-up
- Owner-managed / Family Business
- Europe (EU)
- Austria
- Belgium
- Germany
- Switzerland
- German (Mother tongue)
- English (Business fluent)
- French (Basic knowledge)
- 2022: DDIM Interim Management Excellence Award „Digitalisierung“ – Projekt ADAMOS
- 2022: IfUS-Institut für Unternehmenssanierung - Transformations- und Turnaround Management
IM projects (self employed)
SUSS MicroOptics SA
Das Unternehmen ist auf die Herstellung von Mikrooptiken wie Mikro-Linsenarrays und optischen Elementen spezialisiert, die in modernen Reinräumen für Kunden auf der ganzen Welt gefertigt werden.
- City / place
- CH 2068 Hauterive, Schweiz
- Internet
- https://www.suss-microoptics.com/
Global sales analysis and reorganisation, business development, process optimisation, sales promotion and training, customer management
Transline Deutschland GmbH
Mit mehr als 150 Mitarbeitern in Europa und rund 5.000 Fachübersetzern weltweit ist Transline einer der größten deutschen Übersetzungsdienstleister mit mehreren Tochtergesellschaften.
- City / place
- Reutlingen, Deutschland
- Internet
- https://www.transline.de/
Sales and Marketing
- Analysis and reorganization of German and international sales
- Development of detailed activities for the implementation of strategic goals together with the management (organic growth)
- Implementation of scalable sales processes for companies to be integrated in the future (inorganic growth)
- Establishment of KPI-based sales management methods
- Optimization of verticals in key account management
- Training and management of TeleSales with the goal of tripling the conversion rate of
- Train and guide Digital and Social Selling activities
- Coach and leadership for team members Implementing the first price increase in several years
- Definition of CRM content and rules Support of the business development
- Close cooperation with project management
- Developing a life cycle approach to create added value for key account
ADAMOS ist ein Netzwerk von 30+ Maschinen- und Anlagenbauern, darunter DMG Mori, DÜRR, Zeiss, Engel und Karl Mayer.
- City / place
- Darmstadt
- Internet
- https://www.adamos.com/
Lead App Acquisition / App Onboarding / Success Management
- Derivation of concrete measures for the implementation of strategic goals together with the management team
- Implementation of scalable processes for solution offerings
- Set up KPI-based control methods
- Exchange with product management for feedback of market experiences
- Establish and implement a market-driven requirement process (clear business cases per requirement)
- Coach and lead team members
- Reflecting the team structure & responsibilities
- Definition of CRM content and rules
- Continuous improvement of the offer structure
- Direct contact person for strategic suppliers or customers
- Close collaboration with the marketing team
- Content contributions (whitepapers, presentation content for keynotes, ...)
- Tenfold increase of solution offerings in the ADAMOS STORE
- Shorten sales cycles from 3 months to 21 days
- Shorten onboarding process from 6 weeks to 15 days
- Increase conversion rate from 10% to close to 50%
ENNAGY, a corporate startup of ZÜBLIN / STRABAG. Start: zero, end: 30 employees
- City / place
- Reutlingen, Deutschland
- Internet
- https://hummel-systemhaus.de/
Sales Director Ladeinfrastruktur
- Participation from hour zero
- Planning a start-up on the white sheet
- Definition of: Name, brand, brand design, mission statement, positioning, values and claim
- Creation of clarity in organisational and
- Drawing up the action plan for the first twelve months
- Description of sales processes, customer segments and TOP customers
- Platform strategies and prosumer approaches
- Onboarding and managing the sales team
Zwei Startups mit Sitz in Stuttgart und München
- City / place
- Stuttgart & München
Coaching the management of a software company
- Identification and strategic development of new customer segments of a family business with a new spin-off in the field of temperature monitoring
- Description and sharpening of a new business model
- Tactical approach to project identification and approaching key accounts
- Relaunch of the website
- Definition of training requirements for the sales team
- Marketing automation
- Structure and organisation of a CRM system
- Description of cross-selling and upselling processes within the company group
- Selection of suitable digital sales tools
WALDNER Laboreinrichtungen GmbH & Co. KG
Weltmarktführer und Hidden Champion um Bereich Laborausstattung. 1.300 Mitarbeiter, 200 Mio. € Umsatz.
- Company turnover in Mio $
- 200 Mio USD
- Number of employees in company
- 1300
- City / place
- Wangen im Allgäu
- Internet
- https://www.waldner.de/de/
Director Business Development
- Development and introduction of the new Building Information Management (BIM) method
- Development and implementation of new business ideas
- Analysing markets and developing existing and new customers
- Further development of global account management
- Monitoring and identifying new markets for relevant business areas
- Finding ideas for new products and placing them on the market
- Selection of BIM partners
- Development and coordination of the BIM library
- Intensifying relationships with customers
- Forging new strategic partnerships
- Development, implementation and realisation of customer co-creation workshops
- Providing impulses for product management
- Participation in conferences and industry-specific events and trade fairs
- Implementation of a VR, AI and generative design strategy
Jäckle Schweiß- u. Schneidtechnik GmbH
- City / place
- Bad Waldsee
Sales Manager
- Management of sales at home and abroad, sales model: qualified dealer network
- Professional and personal analysis of the sales staff and application engineers, as well as the office staff
- Restructuring of the team, reorganisation of responsibilities, rules of the game and job descriptions
- Expansion of the international dealer network in Eastern Europe and Africa
- Individual coaching of sales staff and managing directors
Dürr thermea GmbH
- City / place
- Lindau
- Introduction of Key Account Management
- New website for worldwide lead generation
- Strict project selection to increase the chances of success
- Simplified quotation calculation supported by precise benefit arguments
Hauhinco Maschinenfabrik G. Hausherr, Jochums GmbH & Co. KG.
- City / place
- Sprockhövel
- Internet
- https://www.hauhinco.de/
The main task was the establishment of a new
business unit for the diversification of the Company's offering portfolios
- Structuring the business unit
- Definition of ideal customer applications
- Setting up the accompanying marketing measures
- Working out the necessary work packages for the next one and a half years
Dietzel Hydraulik GmbH
- City / place
- Löbichau
- Internet
- https://www.dietzel-hydraulik.de/
- New sales strategy set up in a very short time and then implemented continuously over 18 months
- Team building, staff reorganisation and new appointments
- Introduction of industry management and key account management
- Individual and team-orientated coaching
- Process-orientated alignment of technical sales (back office, quotation processing)
- Target customer-specific orientation of the sales force
- Record sales in the 2015 financial year
Work history (permanent employment)
Dresdner Kühlanlagenbau GmbH, Dresden
- City / place
- Dresden
Track record:
• Personnel changes and new appointments
• Team Building
• Introduction of key account management
• Expansion of sector management (bakeries, pharmaceuticals, food)
• Introduction of new processes
SprinkTec AG, Winterthur (Schweiz) und Šabac (Serbien)
- City / place
- Winterthur
• Business strategy
• Market analysis
• Development of organisational structures
• Development of supply chain
- City / place
- Darmstadt
• Personalum- und Neubesetzungen sowie internationales Team Building
• Einführung Key Account Management
• Einführung Branchenmanagement (Kraftwerksbau, Chemieanlagenbau, Tunnelbau) und
neuer Produkte
• Suche nach europäischen Lieferanten
• Verbandsarbeit (bvfa, FDBR)
• Gründung neuer Niederlassungen und Logistikzentren in D und F
• Großkundenbetreuung
• Umgestaltung und Ausweitung der Vertriebskanäle (B2B, OEM, Distribution)
• Deutliches Umsatz- und erhebliches Ergebniswachstum in
Nohl Darmstadt GmbH & Co. KG, Darmstadt
- City / place
- Darmstadt
• Akquisition von zwei profitablen Großprojekten
• Erfolgreicher Messeauftritt auf der Expo Real
• Einführung von Zielkundenmaßnahmen
• Erstauftrag beim Zielkunden Fraport AG
später Imtech Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG Branche: Elektrotechnik / Elektronik
- City / place
- Mannheim
• Transformation der alten Rheinelektra Organisation nach dem Merger mit ROM zur neuen Imtech
• Saubere und faire Personalanpassungsmaßnahmen (Entlassung weiterer 100 Mitarbeiter)
• Verjüngung und Qualifizierung der Angebotsabteilung
• Turnaround bei der Abwicklung von drei Großprojekten mit ca. 25 Mio. EUR Umsatz.
Verhinderung von drohenden, sehr großen Verlusten
• Optimierung der Kostenstrukturen durch Verlagerung, Schließung, Verkauf von Niederlassungen (insg. fünf NL)
ABB - Asea Brown Boveri AG / ABB Gebäudetechnik AG, Mannheim
- City / place
- Mannheim
• Einführung eines durchgängigen Vertriebsansatzes in Bezug auf die Gesamttechnik
• Erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit mit den Niederlassungen
• Akquisition von fünf profitablen Großprojekten (je 5 bis 15 Mio. EUR)
• Entwicklung von Kostenschätzungs-Software
• Analyse, Bewertung, Entwicklung und Umsetzung innerhalb von nur zehn Monaten
• Verlagerung einer Produktionsstätte nach Schweden
• Entwicklung eines neuen Vertriebsansatzes „Technischer Generalunternehmer“
Raychem GmbH / Chemelex Division
- City / place
- Ottobrunn
• Stabilisierung und profitable Umsatzausweitung im Vertriebsgebiet West. Umsatzsteigerung 20 bis 30 % p.a.
• Sehr erfolgreiche Markterschließung in den neuen Bundesländern mit signifikanten und
stabilen Umsätzen
• Erfolgreicher Produkt Relaunch: Steigerung um 160%
• Margen über 50 %
Hochschule Rosenheim
Abschluss: Diplom-Wirtschaftsingenieur
Diplomarbeit: "Preisbildung bei innovativen Produkten“
MBB, München
Unternehmensbereich Apparate, Abteilung Prüfsysteme
Messerschmidt-Bölkow-Blohm (MBB) in Kooperation mit der Siemens AG, München