Welcome on the DDIM-Website of Stefan Wirth

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Stefan Wirth

International automotive Leadership and Management on-site.

PMI - Project Management international / Automotive Interim Management

from 02.01.2025
Interim Manager since: 10/2011
Update: 08.01.2025

Contact data

Project Management International, Niedersachsen

D-37586 Dassel

Telefon Mobile
+49 1778246482

Social networks

Short profile

Platform strategies of leading automotive manufacturers require globally represented and linked suppliers. Multinational teams solve tasks with increasing complexity within shortest time frames. Stefan Wirth will lead such teams with broad functional experience, unifies teams of different mentalities or nationalities and stands available at the location needed for the best result.
Experience overview
  • international leadership
  • General Manager, Plant Manager and Project Manager of several overseas locations
  • several successful cross-border plant or production line relocations
  • preparative communication with and final releases by OEM's/customers
  • international mentality and cultural empathy
  • technical knowledge of various product lines interior or exterior
  • Management
  • Building a Company / Business
  • Project Management
  • Entwicklungs- & Fertigungsprojekte
  • Produktionsverlagerungen
  • Werksverlagerungen
  • Management / General Management / Board
  • Operations
  • Production
  • Projektmanagment
Role in the company
  • 1st Level / Executive Board / Management
  • 2nd Level / Division Management / Department Management
  • Projekt Manager (Leitung)
  • Supervisory Board / Advisory Board / Board of Directors
  • Consultant, Advisor
Industry experience
  • Automotive, Supplier
  • Aerospace
Type of company
  • Corporation / Group
  • Owner-managed / Family Business
Regions (Regions where you have proven experience)
  • Europe (EU)
  • North America
  • South America
  • China
  • German (Mother tongue)
  • English (Business fluent)
  • French (Basic knowledge)
  • Spanish (Good)

IM projects (self employed)

Company description

Development and Production Supplier of Rear-view Systems for Trucks and Buses in North America

City / place
Apodaca, N.L., Mexiko
Initial situation at the client

Leitung des Entwicklungs- und Fertigungsprojekts des Spiegelsystems eines neu zu entwickelnden LKWs (Seiten und Haubenspiegel).
Managment of an development & production project of a mirror system of a newly designed truck (door and hood mirror).

Company description

Production Supplier of rear-view Systems for Trucks and Buses in North America

City / place
Escobedo / Monterrey, N.L., Mexiko
Initial situation at the client

Erstes Entwicklungsprojekt für einen US-amerikanischen Kunden am mexikanischen Standort.
Entwicklung in Deutschland, Validierung in den USA.
First development project to the Mexican branch for a US-American OEM.

Company description

Development and Production Supplier of Rear-view Systems for Trucks and Buses in North America

City / place
Escobedo / Monterrey, N.L., Mexiko
Initial situation at the client

Wiederherstellung der Produktion von 3 Produktionslinien nach Großbrand und Totalverlust des Werkes inkl. Lager in Mexiko.
Tägliche Kundenabstimmung. Wiederanlauf der Produktion an neuem Standort nach 38 Tagen.
Reinstallation of 3 production lines after total loss of the Mexican production plant and warehouse in a fire.
Daily customer alignment. Restart of production after 38 days.

Company description

Development and Production Supplier of Rear-view Systems for Trucks and Buses in North America

City / place
Escobedo / Monterrey, N.L., Mexiko
Initial situation at the client

Gruppeninterne Verlagerung einer Produktion für Traktoraußenspiegel von den USA nach Mexiko, incl. Konzeption, Vorbereitung, Kundenbeantragung, Vorlauffertigung und Wiederfreigabe am neuen Standort. Neuanschaffung einer 2-Komponenten-Spritzgußmaschine.
Group-internal relocation of a production line and 13 injection molding tools for an agricultural vehicle’s mirror from the US-plant to Mexico, incl. concept, bank build, customer approvals, plus set-up of a new 2-component IM-machine

Company description

Development and Production Supplier of Rear-view Systems for Trucks and Buses in North America

City / place
Ridgeway, S.C., USA - Monterrey, N.L., Mexiko
Initial situation at the client

Übernahme der Produktion (Montage & Spritzguss) nach Produktaufgabe eines Wettbewerbers in der Vorserienphase. 60 Produktvarianten, noch nicht validiert.
Taking over a production line and injection molding tools from a competitor during, the pre-production phase, 60 different product variants.
Product was immature and not validated, processes incomplete. For legal reasons, production line had to be set up at the clients US facility before final transfer to Mexico.

Company description

Development and Production Supplier of Rear-view Systems for Trucks and Buses in North America

City / place
Ridgeway, S.C., USA - Monterrey, N.L., Mexiko
Initial situation at the client

Übernahme der Produktion eines Wettbewerbers der sich u.a. aufgrund nicht abnehmender Qualitätsprobleme von diesem Geschäftsbereich getrennt hat. Vollständige Neukonstruktion und Neubau einer Produktionsanlage.
Takeover of the production of a competitor that gave up the mirror production business due to continuous quality issues, among others. Entirely new production line set up.

Area of responsibility (sales and employees)
responsible manager of production transfer incl. its preparation and customer alignments

Company description

Development and Production Supplier of automotive Heat Shields, Engine Sealings and Gaskets

City / place
Herdorf, Deutschland & Chivasso, Italien
Initial situation at the client

Konsolidierende Verlagerung von Pressen, Werkzeugen und Montageanlagen. Leitung der Verlagerungsteams an beiden Standorten, inkl. der Vorbereitung mit allen Kunden und Wiederfreigaben nach Verlagerung durch die Kunden
Consolidating transfer of presses, tools and assembly lines. Lead the teams in sending and receiving plant. directed all customer approvals before and production releases after the transfer.

Company description

Development and Production Supplier of Exhaust Gas Systems

City / place
Esslingen, Deutschland
Initial situation at the client

Projektübernahme kurz nach Lieferabriss aufgrund einer Produktionsverlagerung.
Interruptions in supplies due to mismatch between demand and capacity after production transfer of a supplier.

Company description

Production & MRO of Helicopter Transmission System

City / place
Kassel, Deutschland / Europ.-Westasiatischer Kunde
Initial situation at the client

Projektleitung für einen Entwicklungsauftrag Hubschrauberantriebsstrang.
Aufbau und Strukturierung der Projektmanagementabteilung.
Managing the development of a helicopter transmission system (main-, intermediate- and tailrotor-transmission).
Creation of a project management structure.

Company description

Development and Production Supplier of automotive interior parts (headrests, armrests, center consoles)

City / place
Zatec, Tschechien
Initial situation at the client

Verlagerung zweier zu schließender Produktionsstandorte in einen gemeinsamen Neubau innerhalb Tschechiens sowie Integration weiterer Fertigungslinien aus Drittstandorten in Europa.
Closure of 2 production sites and transfer into a new common plant within Czechia. Integration of further assembly lines from additional European plants.

Company description

Production plant of head rests (here: Porsche)

City / place
Dolni Kralovice, CZ / Bielsko-Biala, PL
Initial situation at the client

Verlagerung einer JIS-Produktionslinie mit ca. 45 Arbeitsplätzen von Tschechien nach Polen, inkl. Vorbereitung der Verlagerungsfreigabe durch
den Endkunden bis zur Wiederinbetriebnahme und Kundenfreigabe.
Relocation of a sequenced production line with 45 operators from Czechia to Poland, incl. prepsaration of customer approvals before and releases after the transfer.

Company description

Development and Production Supplier of interior parts (headrests, armrests and center consoles)

Number of employees in company
City / place
Changchun, China
Initial situation at the client

Werksverlagerung vor Ort in Changchun, China. Zusammenfassung von 3 Standorten in einem gemeinsamen Neubau.
Projektübernahme ab Innenausbau bis Re-Zertifizierung. Temporäre Übernahme der Werkleitung.
Plant relocation in Changchun, China. Consolidation of 3 former plants into one new building.
From shell completion until re-certification with OEMs. Temporary plant management.

Company description

Supplier of automotive interior and exterior plastic covers.

City / place
Deutschland und China
Initial situation at the client

Einkauf und Fertigung in China von 11 Spritzgusswerkzeugen und Fertigungszellen für Innenraum-Ansichtsteile.
Vor-Ort Einsatz in Ningbo, China bis zur Abnahme und Verschiffung.
Production and procurement of 11 injection molding tools and a production unit of interior decoration covers.
On-site follow up in Ningbo, China until equipment was released by customer and shipped.

Company description

Development and Production Supplier of Gear Shift Systems

City / place
Niederwürschnitz, Deutschland
Initial situation at the client

Standortneugründung BRICS.
- Standortsuche / Standortanalyse und –vergleich / Kostenaufbereitung und –vergleich / Bewertung zweier Standorte in 2 Ländern / Präsentation der Businesspläne zur Entscheidung im Beirat.
Analysis and comparison of possible locations / cost estimate and comparison incl. tariffs and duties / final evaluation of 2 different locations and presentation of results in management board for final decision and release

Company description

Development supplier of cable gear shifter systems and clutch actuation systems

Company turnover in Mio $
32 Mio USD
Number of employees in company
City / place
Jundiai, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Initial situation at the client

Leitung des einzigen südamerikanischen Standortes in der Unternehmensgruppe.
Managementteam bestehend aus Leiter Finanz/HR, Produktionsleiter, 2 Vertriebsleitern, Leitung Einkauf, Qualitätsmanager, Leiter After Market und Projektleitern.
Lead the group's only location in the Americas, incl. Manager HR & Finance, Production Manager, 2 Sales Managers, Manager Purchase, Quality Manager, Manager After Market and Project Managers,

Achieved Achievements
Ebit-improvement from -3 to +2,4%,  increase of sales prices by 8 percentage points, implementation of 5S in production & administration

Company description

Development supplier of Gear Shift Systems and Covers

City / place
ChongQing, China
Initial situation at the client

Serienfertigungsaufbau einer modularen Automatikschaltung für 3 Fahrzeugplattformen im Fertigungsstandort ChongQing, China.
Koordination mit Entwicklungszentrum in Michigan, USA, Testzentrum in Deutschland und Kunden in Großbritannien.
Managing production set-up of a modular gear shifter (for 3 vehicle platforms) in ChongQing, China
Coordination with Development Center in Michigan, USA, Test Center in Germany and customer in the UK.

Company description

Development supplier of Gear Shift Systems and Covers

City / place
Dassel, Deutschland
Initial situation at the client

Entwicklung und Serienfertigungsaufbau von manuellen und automatischen Schaltungen.
kundenseitige Verantwortungen in Großbritannien, Südkorea, Argentinien, China, etc. (VW, Ford, GM)
Development and production of manual & automatic gear shifters. Customers in Great Britain, South Korea, Argentina, China, etc. (VW, Ford, GM)

Company description

Development supplier of seating mechanisms made of blanking and fine blanking parts

City / place
Kriftel, Deutschland
Initial situation at the client

verantwortlicher Leiter für div. Entwicklungs- und Serienfertigungsprojekte, u.a. für VW/Audi/Skoda, Opel/GM, Ford, etc.
manager of several development and production projects, among others for Vokswagen/Audi/Skoda, GM/Opel, Ford, etc.

Company description

Development supplier of seating mechanisms made of blanking and fine blanking parts

City / place
Kriftel, Deutschland
Initial situation at the client

direkter Mitarbeiter des Einkaufsleiters, verantwortlich für den Einkauf von Produktionsmaterial von 3 Standorten.
direct subordinate of manager purchasing, responsible for purchase of production material for 3 locations.

Work history (permanent employment)

City / place
City / place
Sao Paulo, Brasilien
Fully responsible for the only location in South America of the group.
Directly lead the local management team consisting of a finance/HR-manager, industrial manager, two sales managers, purchase manager, quality manager, manager after market and program managers
Employees: 130
Sales volume: 32 Mio. €
City / place
ChongQing, China
on-site in ChongQing, China as Project Manager to develop a modulat gear shift unit and set up ist production line
City / place
Niedersachsen, Deutschland
Responsible leader of development and production projects for gear shifters
City / place
Hessen, Deutschland
Responsible leader of development and production projects for seating mechanisms and transmission shifters


Documents and files

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Infodatei / Präsentation

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Lebenslauf, deutsch

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CV, English

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