Welcome on the DDIM-Website of Dr. Frederik Kolster

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Frederik Kolster

Solutions. Done.

from now
Interim Manager since: 01/2015
Update: 24.11.2023

Contact data

Avasa Excellence GmbH, Bielefeld

Meisenstr. 65
D-33607 Bielefeld

Telefon Mobile
Telefon Private

Social networks

Personal data

Date of birth
01.04.1980 (Age:44)

Short profile

I like to take on difficult challenges, especially when standard solutions no longer work. I follow a holistic approach for long-term success. My customers appreciate my goal-oriented and at the same time empathetic approach. Challenging tasks are solved competently and unconventionally - within the given standards - and I deliver tailor-made solutions.
Experience overview
  • Plant Manager
  • Crisis manager
  • turnaround
  • Pharma
  • multinational projects
  • Management
  • Consulting
  • Change Management
  • Yield Increase
  • Management / General Management / Board
Role in the company
  • 1st Level / Executive Board / Management
  • Projekt Manager (Leitung)
  • Consultant, Advisor
Industry experience
  • Healthcare
  • Medical Technology
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Automotive, Zulieferer
Type of company
  • Corporation / Group
  • Owner-managed / Family Business
  • Medium-sized Enterprise
  • Start-up
Regions (Regions where you have proven experience)
  • Asia
  • Europe (EU)
  • Europe (not EU)
  • North america
  • South america
  • German (Muttersprache)
  • English (Verhandlungssicher)
  • French (Gut)
  • Dutch (Grundkenntnisse)
  • Korean (Grundkenntnisse)


Notes / specifics
Restructurings consultant (ongoing)
Notes / specifics
Dr. rer. pol. (ph.D., magna cum laude)
Notes / specifics
Business in Asia
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Harvard Negotiation Certificate
Notes / specifics
Industrial Engineering and Management

Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. (Master's degree in Industrial Engineering and Management)

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