Welcome on the DDIM-Website of Daniel Huber

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Daniel Huber

Managing director and engineer with focus on strategic realignment and operational management of companies and projects

from 01.08.2024
Interim Manager since: 05/2022
Update: 25.07.2024

Specialist groups

  • DDIM.fachgruppe // Energie

Contact data

HEFE.Consulting, Lampertheim

Jakob-Müller-Straße 24
D-68623 Lampertheim

Telefon Mobile
+49 1726202648
Telefon Private
+49 6256831132

Social networks

Personal data

Date of birth
21.06.1964 (Age:60)

Short profile

I develop and implement strategies for industrial, energy, and automotive suppliers, including realignment, growth initatives, sales optimization, digitization, technology management, as well as restructuring and relocation. With over 25 years of experience as a managing director and engineer, I have a proven track record of leading companies and executing complex and challenging projects in various segments and markets.
Experience overview
  • Strategic Realignment
  • Operational Management of Companies and Projects
  • Industry, Energy and Automobil-suppliers
  • Change Management
  • Automation, IIoT
  • Sales Excellence, CRM
  • Technology Management

IM projects (self employed)

Company description

Distribution of Power, Gas, and Water

Company turnover in Mio $
485 Mio USD
Number of employees in company
City / place
Reason for dismissal
Die Energiewende und die Vorgaben zur Klimaneutralität bringen starke Veränderungen mit sich, die zu diversen strategischen Initiativen führen, welche neben dem operativen Geschäft umgesetzt werden müssen. Der Interim Geschäftsführer vertritt die Stelleninhaberin während ihrer Elternzeit.
Area of responsibility (sales and employees)
485 Mio. Euro, 780 Employees
The energy transition and the climate neutrality requirements bring with them major changes that lead to various strategic initiatives that have to be implemented alongside operational business.
The interim managing director represents the position holder during her parental leave.
Measures taken
Management of the GmbH with two other managing directors. Operational management of the technical area, e.g. maintanance, repairs, investments in the electricity, gas and water networks.
Achieved Achievements
Definition, implementation and control of various strategic initiatives such as
o   Climate neutrality master plan
o   Hydrogen pilot projects
o   Vision power grid 2045
o   Control system/load management of the future
o   Work Force Management 2.0
Organizational further development of the department, including massive job creation
Participation in the development of the badenova management framework for classic and agile organizational forms
Company turnover in Mio $
2.5 Mio USD
Number of employees in company
City / place
Eningen u.A. / Deutschland
Reason for dismissal
Aufgabe: • Geschäftsführung der Gesellschaft während der Übergangsphase vom bisherigen Geschäftsführer bis zur Nachfolgelösung • Durchführung des Jahresabschlusses 2022 sowie Umsetzung der Budget- und Geschäftsplanung • Leitung und Steuerung des Vertriebs, Betreuung der strategischen Kunden und Ausbau der Kundenbasis • Entwicklung einer Strategie für die Zukunft des Geschäftes und deren Umsetzung Umsetzung: • Operative Geschäftsführung inkl. Key Account Management • Analyse der aktuellen Situation bzgl. GuV, Bilanz, Vertrieb, Produktkalkulation, R&D Ergebnisse, Markt- und Wettbewerbersituation • Erstellung verschiedener Strategischer Optionen für die Metrawatt Int. Geschäftsführung inkl. Vorschlag der erfolgversprechendsten Option • Umsetzung der Strategie gemäß Entscheidung Ergebnis: • Impairment Analyse inkl. notwendige Abschreibungen • Produktionsverlagerung • Verkauf von Unternehmensteilen als Asset-Deal • Integration der GmbH in die Schwestergesellschaft • IT- und CRM-Transition • Trennung von Mitarbeitenden • Standortschließung Mitarbeiter: 25 Umsatz: 2500000
Company turnover in Mio $
80 Mio USD
Number of employees in company
City / place
Radolfzell / Deutschland
Reason for dismissal
Leitung des Technologiebereichs (Engineering und Produktion) im Sonderanlagenbau. Organisationsentwicklung um das Wachstum von 20 auf 100 Mio. Euro zu managen. Harmonisierung der Automatisierungslösung. Mitarbeiter: 100 Umsatz: 80
City / place
Frankfurt / Deutschland
Reason for dismissal
Aufbau eines globalen Netzwerkverbunds für Sourcing & Purchasing sowie Produktion für 15 Fertigungsstätten; Konzepterstellung und Pilotierung Supply Chain 4.0 Mitarbeiter: 0 Umsatz: 0

Work history (permanent employment)

City / place
Pforzheim / Deutschland
Operational and strategic management of Inovan in accordance with the agreed key figures.
Realignment of the company, in particular:
Analysis and adaptation of the existing strategy and consistent implementation of the actions.
Employees: 700
Sales volume: 150
City / place
Waghäusel / Germany
Managing Director of Schuler Pressen GmbH (app. 660 Mio. Euro in sales, 2850 employees); Head of global Division Hydraulic (Locations: Brazil, USA, Germany, China.
Employees: 500
Sales volume: 150
City / place
Allendorf (Eder) /Deutschland
Optimizing sales and service processes, e.g. by introducing the Salesforce sales tool and SAP CS/Neo Mobile for after-sales service. Introduction of a structured sales organization with the aim of significantly increasing sales of EUR 160 million with 270 employees.
Restructuring of the biggest loss makers (Switzerland and Germany).
Employees: 270
Sales volume: 160
City / place
Lampertheim / Deutschland
Project Global Sourcing at SAMSON AG: Set up a global network for Sourcing & Purchasing as well as production for 15 manufacturing sites; concept development and piloting Supply Chain 4.0
Lecturer for Automation Systems (Control Systems, Manufacturing Execution Systems, Production Planning Systems, Industry 4.0) at University of Applied Sciences Offenburg
Employees: 0
Sales volume: 0
City / place
Mannheim / Deutschland
Profit and loss responsibility for the life-cycle service business of the Power Generation business unit ($250 million in 30 countries with 765 employees), ABB's global control systems business ($630 million in sales, 1,800 employees) up to the process automation business in the Central Europe region ($1.8 billion sales, 4,000 employees).
Technology management, product management and agile development of control systems for the process industry and power plants.
Employees: 4000
Sales volume: 1800
City / place
Bad-Dürkheim / Deutschland
Growth in orders for North American products and systems in Europe, Middle East and Africa through new customer acquisition
Employees: 5
Sales volume: 20
City / place
Mannheim / Germany
Led internal & external sales worldwide of train control system
International R&D and product management coordination for the development and standardization of train control systems.
Employees: 10
Sales volume: 20
City / place
Heidelberg / Deutschland
Managed various international research projects
International experience by means of working and living abroad in Sweden
Employees: 0
Sales volume: 0


Documents and files

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