Welcome on the DDIM-Website of Roland Brückmann

User photo

Roland Brückmann

from now
Update: 19.08.2024

Specialist groups

  • DDIM.fachgruppe // International

Contact data

Interim Management und Consulting, Frankfurt (Main) - Nieder-Erlenbach

Am Buchbaum 17
D-60437 Frankfurt

Telefon Mobile
Telefon Private
+49 6101 9951919

Personal data

Date of birth
21.05.1965 (Age:59)

Short profile

A common theme throughout my career has been the management of “special projects”. These projects were considered “special” because they involved particularly difficult countries (Eastern Europe, Turkey, Asia, etc.), the use of unproven technologies (and all the associated risks), numerous interfaces or unusual organizational constellations. For many of these projects, the objective was not merely their successful completion, but also the “conquering” of new markets and customers.
Experience overview
  • Site Representative
  • General Management
  • Foundation of international branches
  • Risk Management
  • Claim Management
  • Projekt Management Gesamtprojekte
  • International Sales

IM projects (self employed)

City / place
Initial situation at the client

August 2022 bis Juli 2024 Bauherrenvertreter in Mönchengladbach
Vertretung der Geschäftsführung der SMS group als zentraler Ansprechpartner im Projekt „Neubau SMS Campus“ (Neubau der Firmenzentrale für 1500 Mitarbeiter, 200 Mio. €, 50 Nachunternehmer), Krisenanalyse und Moderation von Konflikten der am Bau Beteiligten mit Verbesserung von Prozessen und Abläufen, Vorbereitung und Durchführung der Kündigung des Architekten mit Suche, Auswahl & Einarbeitung eines Nachfolgers

City / place
Köln & Frankfurt / Germany
Initial situation at the client

Projektsteuerung im Teilprojekt West (NRW) - Großprojekt Rhine-Alpine für die Ausrüstung mit ETCS-Signaltechnik & Stellwerken
Termin-, Kosten- und Qualitätskontrolle der Baumaßnahmen
Mitarbeiter: -
Umsatz: -

Company turnover in Mio $
50000000 Mio USD
City / place
München / Deutschland
Initial situation at the client

Claim Management in einem Großprojekt der TGA Ausrüstung eines Hochhauses in München
Koordination der am Bau beteiligten
Terminplanung und -kontrolle
Mitarbeiter: -
Umsatz: 50000000

Work history (permanent employment)

City / place
Ditzingen / Deutschland
Securing the quality, revenue and project result targets
Control and optimization of international ETCS projects
Definition/development of general improvement measures
Establishment of a PMO network
Employees: -
Sales volume: 1500000000
City / place
Waghäusel / Deutschland & Istanbul und Karabük / T
Foundation of the branch in Turkey and further expansion into a sales and service organization
Overall project management of hydraulic press projects in Turkey and Kazakhstan
Employees: 29
Sales volume: 130000000
City / place
Berlin / Deutschland & Edinburgh / Schottland & Wa
Project Director for the construction of a completely new tram system in Edinburgh
Project management of ETCS L2 vehicle conversions for the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB)
Tender preparation/sales of signaling, safety and control technology projects in Vietnam, Malaysia, Finland, Hungary, Norway, Denmark and Switzerland
Employees: 87
City / place
Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz / Deutschland
Distribution of concrete sleepers and concrete plants for railway operators and track construction companies in Western and Eastern Europe
Employees: -
Sales volume: 40
City / place
Berlin / Deutschland
Management of the Rohrbach/Ilm station renovation (Bavaria)
Project interlocking technology in Dhaka / Bangladesh
Sale of Metz Fahrleitungsbau GmbH to Spitzke AG
Employees: -
Sales volume: 30000000
City / place
Berlin / Deutschland
Client representation; responsibility for project management and controlling of major public and private projects
Sale of project management services to Deutsche Bahn
Employees: 18
Sales volume: 250000000
City / place
Frankfurt / Deutschland & Kuala Lumpur / Malaysia
Railway electrification projects and sales management of international turnkey electrification tenders
Management of a contract for the electrification of a section of the light rail system in Dublin (Ireland)
Construction management of a major order in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
Employees: 35
Sales volume: 40
City / place
Darmstadt / Deutschland
Technical sales of vibration monitoring devices
Employees: -
Sales volume: -


Documents and files

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