Welcome on the DDIM-Website of Volker Herrmann

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Volker Herrmann

Get back on the road to success with decisive action

C-Level management (CEO, CTO, COO, Plant Management),turnaround management, restructuring, taskforce management, management of complex projects

from now
Update: 29.05.2024

Contact data

Weingartenstraße 27
D-97072 Würzburg

Telefon Mobile
+49 179 3976357

Social networks

Personal data

Date of birth
13.11.1967 (Age:57)

Short profile

As an experienced C-level manager (CEO, CTO, COO, CRO) with more than 25 years of management experience and a certified expert in restructuring, I take on mandates in the areas of TURNAROUND management, operational RESTRUCTURING and RATIONALIZATION of corporate processes and structures. I bridge VACANCIES at C-level.  
I specifically support you in challenging situations by developing and implementing targeted restructuring and optimization programs with the aim of achieving a turnaround and returning to the road to success. In transitional or upheaval situations, I take over the management of business units and professionally implement the objectives of the management or shareholders.
Experience overview
§  C-Level manager with more than 25 years of management experience at 1st/2nd tier automotive suppliers,
§  Interim manager for plant management Eastern Europe, turnaround and task force management
§  Corporate management (CEO; CTO, COO, Germany and Eastern Europe)
§  Strategy development (growth, product, market, technology, location)
§  Certified expert for restructuring, reorganization and insolvency management
§  New factory building in Eastern Europe
  • Restructuring / Reorganization, close to insolvency
  • Turnaround
  • Management
  • Cost Reduction
  • Process Optimization
  • Management / General Management / Board
  • Operations
  • Engineering
  • Organization
Role in the company
  • 1st Level / Executive Board / Management
  • 2nd Level / Division Management / Department Management
  • Projekt Manager (Leitung)
Industry experience
  • Automotive, Supplier
  • Plastic / Rubber
Type of company
  • Medium-sized Enterprise
  • Corporation / Group
Regions (Regions where you have proven experience)
  • Europe (EU)
  • Germany
  • German (Mother tongue)
  • English (Business fluent)
  • French (Basic knowledge)
Special certificates and awards
  • 2023/2024 Six Sigma Black Belt (Helling und Storch - QLearning)
  • 2023 Zertifizierte Experte für Restrukturierung, Sanierung und Insolvenzmanagent (Euro FH)
  • 2002 Lean Management - Toyota Produktionssystem (Ishiko school, Japan)

IM projects (self employed)

Company description

Manufacturer of interior parts and modules

Company turnover in Mio $
35 Mio USD
Number of employees in company
City / place
Deutschland und Osteuropa
Initial situation at the client

Ein neu akquirierter Großauftrag sollte an einem neuen Standort in Osteuropa anlaufen. verantworltlicher Interim Manager in der Funktion des Werksleiters verließ unvermittelt das Projekt. Folge: Fehlende Produktions- und Personalkapazität, mangelhafte Organisationstrukturen. Produktions- und Lieferausfälle, mangelhafte Qualität, hohe Sonderkosten, hohe Verluste, Kundenverärgerung.

Work history (permanent employment)

Eurostyle Systems (ES) is an automotive supplier and subsidiary company of the french GMD Group. ES developes and produces interior modules

City / place

Schäfer Oesterle (SO) developes and produces car interior components. in 2018 SO was sold to the GMD Group

City / place
Standorte in Deutschland und Ungarn

Sellner Group developed and produced car decorative parts and interior components. Sellner was sold to the NBHX Group

City / place
Produktionsstandorte im In- und Ausland

Interim Management and Consulting

City / place

Holzschuh developed and manufacured electromechanical modules and plastic components

City / place

Valeo Lighting Systems is manufacturer of car Lighting Systems

City / place

Valeo Wiper Systems is manufacturer for car wiper systems

City / place


Documents and files

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Zertifikat zur Abschlussprüfung "Sanierung und Insolvenzmanagement"

1.42 MB

Zertifikat zum Aufbaustudium "Sanierung und Insolvenzmanagement"

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